Fifty Years of Jan Natya Manch
Nov 2022- Jan 2023Designed a portable exhibition encapsulating fifty years of people’s theatre in a graphic narrative.

Jan Natya Manch is a street theatre group and to celebrate their fifty years, they wanted an exhibition which was collapsible and mobile. We were a graphic team of six, responsible for creating the narrative including the four ingredients of janam: subjects their plays revolve around, varied spaces they perform in, organisations they collaborate with and the audience they perform for.
They wanted a tactile feel with the visual style of the narrative which could call out anyone and everyone for attention, hence the bright colours. The type hierarchy system was such that the bigger headings were carved in lino, body copy in white boxes to ensure consistency and legibility and image captions on the bottom as black strips. The structure of the exhibition includes 20 panels which revolve on its axis revealing another side. This gave us 40 surfaces to divide out the narrative into. The panels are seperated by a filler, and are slid on a rod. The whole package can be packed up in a wooden box.
Most of my role in the project included working with colours and visuals. Scroll down to see some of the panels created by me. A large part of the graphic work was working with low quality photos and the collage-style visuals was the resolve.